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Women Who Inspire: Mairéad Carlin

Shannon VanZegeren

Mairéad Carlin is a world class soprano and a current member of the touring group Celtic Woman. She recorded on Celtic Woman’s Grammy-nominated album Destiny and has performed all over the world. Mairéad undoubtedly has extraordinary talent, and if you’re in the mood to be blown away by a soaring soprano, you won’t be disappointed if you take a listen to her rendition of Ave Maria.

While I’ve never met Mairéad in person, we’ve had the opportunity to connect on Instagram. She graciously took time to answer some of my questions and offer advice in regards to audition and performance anxiety. Let’s be honest, establishing yourself as a singer comes with its fair share of disappointment and rejection. There have been times where it’s been hard for me to keep my chin up and keep singing. But Mairéad has helped me see past that… that singing isn’t about receiving affirmation from others, but about knowing and being your true self.

Throughout our exchanges, here are five things Mairéad has taught me:

Mairéad Carlin performing as a member of Celtic Woman

1: Go for what you really want to be a part of. Knowing that is knowing yourself.

2: Not getting it gives you perspective, keeps you humble, and builds character. It makes the time you do get it more meaningful.

3: Look inwards. Don’t try to give them what you think they want. Be YOU, and be genuine.

4: Feel fulfilled in the music alone. You don’t need to impress anyone.

5: “Honestly knowing who you are or at least somewhat knowing is the most endearing quality.”

See why Mairéad is so inspiring? I just love her, and this advice make my heart sing.


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